January 2018 Regular Meeting
Monday, January 22, 2018
The regular meeting of the Hickory County Library Board was held January 22, 2018 at 10:00am in the Hickory County Library Community Room, at the Hickory County Library, 18376 New Hermitage Drive, Hermitage, Missouri, 65668.
President Hal Geltmacher called the meeting to order at 10:03am.
Members present were:
President, Hal Geltmacher
Vice-President, Sharon Barrett
Treasurer, Gerda Fitts
Secretary, Judy Baker
Trustee, Shelly Aubuchon
Stacy Coulsell, Library Administrator
Attendance was taken via the expense voucher.
After reviewing the agenda Shelly Aubuchon moved to approve the agenda as read. Judy Baker seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
After reviewing the minutes Sharon Barrett moved to accept the minutes as read. Gerda Fitts seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Library Administrator Stacy Coulsell gave her monthly report. Coulsell noted that the Library themed Children’s Craft days would continue in February. Coulsell reported that Story Hour with Preschool and the area Head Start continued as both schools were back in session from winter break. She also reported Library had begun partnering with the McCarty Senior Center and Care Connection providing outreach to grandparents fostering their grandchildren in the area, this program is called the Relatives As Parents Program (R.A.P.P.) These workshops will be held twice a month. This would include some learning labs, providing resources of children’s programming in the area and providing a classroom situation for the children. Coulsell reported that she would begin randomly distributing twenty various board games at random to children who actively participate in Library programs, beginning this month. These board games had been presented to the Library by the Joshua and Chrissy Benner family in December. Administrator Coulsell also noted that the Library had received a two hundred dollar donation from the Lucas Oil Foundation and that money had purchased a transportation themed book display with seventy-two new beginner level reading books.
Administrator Coulsell presented the Financial Reports for December. The balance as of January 22, 2018 was $149,328.84 this reflects the balance of both the Library accounts. This also includes December property tax payments received from the Hickory County Treasurer.
After hearing the Financial Reports for December, Sharon Barrett made the motion to accept the Financial Reports as presented. Shelly Aubuchon seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Coulsell presented the Circulation Report for December, the Library had 13 new cards during the month with a Total Circulation of 3514. Total circulation of items ending at 44803 for the year of 2017.
Under President’s Report-there was none.
Under Library Association-The audit committee had completed their audit of the Library Association accounts. It was noted that the annual financial report for the Association was due February 28, 2017.
Under Friends-Library Administrator Stacy Coulsell noted that the Friends would host local author, Heather Heckadon on February 12th. She is the author of the book, The Journey Down, a fictionalized account of Alaska. Coulsell also reported that the Friends were investigating the process of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library with the addition of their new member, Frank McKenna.
Under Old Business-Administrator Coulsell reported that she had submitted the 2018 Proposed Budget to the Hickory County Clerk and to the Missouri State Library.
Under New Business-Shelly Aubuchon moved to declare nine swivel task chairs as salvaged material.
Having no further business and hearing no public comment the meeting adjourned at 11:15am.
The next meeting is to be February 19, 2018 at 10:00am
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Baker, Secretary