May, 2021 Regular Monthly Meeting


Monday, May 17, 2021

The regular meeting of the Hickory County Library Board was held May 17, 2021 at 11:00am in the Hickory County Library Community Room, at the Hickory County Library, 18376 New Hermitage Drive, Hermitage, Missouri, 65668.

Members present were:

President, Shelly Aubuchon
Vice-President, Ernest Jenkins
Treasurer, Brenda Charles
Trustee, Eleanora Smith
Stacy Coulsell, Library Administrator

Attendance was taken via the expense voucher. Secretary Judy Baker was absent.

President Shelly Aubuchon called the meeting to order at 11:07am.

Brenda Charles moved to accept the Agenda as presented. Eleanora Smith seconded and the motion carried.

Ernest Jenkins moved to accept the minutes as read. Eleanora Smith seconded and the motion carried.

Administrator Coulsell presented her Administrator’s Report. Coulsell reported that this month was the last session of Preschool Story Hour until the school year resumes in August. Coulsell noted that the Library had two volunteers in May and that local resident Lillee Griffith continues to volunteer. Administrator Coulsell reported that she had presented a program for the Historical Society in May, featuring The Index and the Hermitage Gazette and the use of the Digital Newspapers online through the Missouri State Historical Society website. Coulsell reported that she has booked the summer programs for the Library and received the Summer Reading Grant funding. With that grant book bags, coloring books and other incentives were purchased.  Coulsell noted that two more games were given away to Embree Morris and Dylan Pearson; this will be shared with the Index and on the Library’s Facebook page.

Administrator Coulsell presented the Financial Reports for April. The balance as of May 17, 2021 was $123,170.60. This reflects the balance of both Library accounts. Ernest Jenkins moved to accept the Financial Reports for April as presented. Eleanora Smith seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Coulsell presented the Circulation Report for April, and the Library had 17 new cards with a Total Circulation 3738, noting 53 checkouts in the Hoopla database. Coulsell noted that overall circulation of items had increased in Children’s Fiction and Children’s Nonfiction.

Under President’s Report - President Shelly Aubuchon extended congratulations to Library Staff member, Alyson Lile. Lile recently graduated from Missouri State University with a bachelor’s degree.

Under Library Association - It was noted that the annual USDA payment was due in May, as well as the Library’s building liability insurance payment.

Under Friends of the Library-It was noted that the April Book Sale had been a success.  Many donations of books were received to help with the sale.

Under Old Business - It was noted that two more of the Little Sharing Libraries were built and would be placed in Weaubleau and Cross Timbers (dates to be announced). Coulsell will be requesting permission to be on the agenda for the next Village of Preston meeting for placement within the city of Preston.

Also under Old Business it was noted that the Library was still taking bids for carpet installation for the Library building.

Under New Business - Library Administrator Coulsell reported that the Library will partner with the Hickory County Health Department to provide snacks and crafts on Friday nights from May 21 to June 25 at 4- 5:30pm,

Also under New Business, Board member Eleanora Smith donated a board game to the Library for the planned Family Game nights to be held at the Library.

The next meeting will be June 21, 2021 at 11:00am

Hearing no Public Comment and having no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Shelly Aubuchon, President