November 2020 Regular Monthly Meeting
Monday, November 16, 2020
The regular meeting of the Hickory County Library Board was held November 16, 2020 at 11:00am in the Hickory County Library Community Room, at the Hickory County Library, 18376 New Hermitage Drive, Hermitage, Missouri, 65668.
Members present were:
President, Shelly Aubuchon
Vice-President, Ernest Jenkins
Secretary, Judy Baker
Treasurer, Brenda Charles - via telephone
Trustee, Hal Geltmacher - via telephone
Stacy Coulsell, Library Administrator
Attendance was taken via the expense voucher. President Shelly Aubuchon called the meeting to order at 11:01am.
Hal Geltmacher moved to accept the Agenda as presented; Ernest Jenkins seconded and the motion carried.
Ernest Jenkins moved to accept the minutes as read; Judy Baker seconded and the motion carried.
Library Administrator Coulsell gave her Administrator’s Report. Coulsell reported that the Halloween event had been successful, with the Library hosting150 trick or treaters. Each child received a holiday/autumn themed book, prepackaged candy, activity sheets, and coloring books with book bag. Several staff members also participated in the event in full costume. The Library featured Wizard of Oz as the theme of the night.
Administrator Coulsell has submitted the annual Statistical Report due to the State Library. She is currently working on planning for next year’s programming. Coulsell reported there would be a Christmas event held December 5, featuring Santa and another book giveaway. It was also noted that the Giant Pumpkin contest in conjunction with the JUST FOR KIDS Celebration of the Pumpkin had a winner, Jayden Keele, who guessed exactly the correct weight of the giant vegetable (79 lbs.), and received the pumpkin as the prize. This was submitted to the newspaper.
Administrator Coulsell presented the Financial Reports for October: The balance as of November 16, 2020. was $45,525.61. This reflects the balance of both Library accounts. Judy Baker moved to accept the Financial Reports for October as presented and Ernest Jenkins seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Coulsell presented the Circulation Report for October. The Library had 21 new cards during the month of October. with a total circulation of 3,733. There were 29 checkouts in the Hoopla database.
Under President’s Report - President Shelly Aubuchon offered the Library Staff commendation for the output of service and outstanding job on the Halloween event, noting the theme was well done. President Aubuchon reported that she was pleased with the use and ease of the HOOPLA database.
Under Library Association - It was noted that the metal for the roof replacement was received and work is slated for November/December.
Under Friends of the Library - It was noted that the October book sale had been successful and the one dollar per bag sale would continue until December 31, 2020.
Under Old Business - Administrator Coulsell presented the 2021 Preliminary budget, but this item was tabled until end of year figures are available. Coulsell offered an update on hotspots: The Library will be purchasing six Verizon hotspots to be checked out. This project will be in place before year end 2020. Coulsell gave an update on the Little Libraries to be placed throughout the county, and the first installment will be on the lawn of the Hickory County Library. Coulsell is on schedule to meet with the Wheatland City Council in regard to placement in the township.
Under New Business - the Library will close the following Dates and Times: Noon Wednesday, November 25, All Day November 26, All Day December 24 and 25, noon December 31and all day January 1.
Hearing no public comment and having no further business, Ernest Jenkins moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:45am; Judy Baker seconded, motion carried.
The next meeting will be December 21, 2020 at 11:00am.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Baker, Secretary