May 2022 Regular Meeting



Monday, May 16, 2022

The Regular Meeting of the Hickory County Library Board was held May 16, 2022 at 11:00am in the Hickory County Library Community Room, at the Hickory County Library, 18376 New Hermitage Drive, Hermitage, Missouri, 65668.

President Shelly Aubuchon called the meeting to order at 11:00am.

Members present were:

President, Shelly Aubuchon via telephone

Vice-President, Ernest Jenkins

Treasurer, Brenda Charles

Trustee, Eleanora Smith Stacy Coulsell, Library Administrator

Secretary Judy Baker was absent. Attendance was taken via the expense voucher.

Eleanora Smith moved to accept the Agenda as presented. Ernest Jenkins seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Ernest Jenkins moved to accept the minutes from the April regular meeting as read. Eleanora Smith seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Library Administrator Stacy Coulsell presented her monthly report. Coulsell is currently investigating in-person programs for both summer and fall special programs. Administrator Coulsell will be hosting a weekly story hour at the Hermitage Summer School, reading to the elementary and preschool students. Coulsell reported that local 4-H groups are continuing to utilize the Library’s Community Room for scrapbook and computer skills classes and had started a twice-monthly STEM session on the first and last Thursday of each month.  Coulsell reported that the Library would again be partnering with the Hickory County Health Department in a water safety presentation and healthy snacks weekly on Fridays from 4:00pm until 6:00pm for the month of June. Story Hour with Hermitage Preschool continues. Coulsell reported that she is completing the Annual Financial Report for the Missouri State Auditor’s office. Coulsell reported that she will be attending a Workshop held at the Cedar County Stockton Library on Wednesday, May 18, 2022.  Coulsell also extended commendations to the staff for their continued dedication and efforts.

Administrator Coulsell presented the Financial Reports for April. The balance as of April 18, 2022, was $116,246.31. This reflects the balance of both the Library accounts and includes first portions of Missouri State aid and the second portion of Equalization for Fiscal year 2022. Brenda Charles moved to accept the Financial Reports for April as presented; Ernest Jenkins seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Coulsell presented the Circulation Report for April, and the Library had 14 new cards with a Total Circulation of 3741 in April.

Under President’s Report - There was none.

Under Friends - It was noted that the Friends of the Library had hosted a Spring Book Sale the week of April 25, 2022 - May 2, 2022.

Under Library Association - It was noted that the Annual USDA payment and liability insurance payments had been made. It was also noted that the Library had accepted bids for carpeting in the Community Room and a bid to repair the guttering on the exterior of the building.

Under Old Business - Library Administrator Coulsell reported that a project had been decided on for a William McBrayer memorial, dedication date to be announced. Also under old business, Library Administrator Coulsell reported how the Equalization funds for 2022 will be spent: Four computers will be replaced and the Library will upgrade the current color copier with a portion of these funds.

Under New Business - Library Administrator Coulsell reported that the Library had received a generous donation from the Nancy and Carl Underwood family.

Having no further business and hearing no public comment, the meeting adjourned at 11:45am.

The next meeting will be June 20, 2022 at 11:00 AM.

Respectfully submitted,


Eleanora Smith, Trustee