August 2022 Regular Meeting
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
The Regular Meeting of the Hickory County Library Board was held August 31, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. in the Hickory County Library Community Room, at the Hickory County Library, 18376 New Hermitage Drive, Hermitage, Missouri, 65668.
President Shelly Aubuchon called the meeting to order at 11:10 a.m.
Members present were:
President, Shelly Aubuchon
Vice-President, Ernest Jenkins
Treasurer, Brenda Charles
Trustee, Eleanora Smith
Stacy Coulsell, Library Administrator
Secretary, Judy Baker was absent. Attendance was taken via the expense voucher.
Brenda Charles moved to accept the Agenda as presented. Eleanora Smith seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Ernest Jenkins moved to accept the minutes from the July regular meeting as read, Brenda Charles seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Library Administrator Stacy Coulsell presented the Administrator’s Report. Coulsell has completed reading to the Hermitage Summer School students, and each student received a gift bag relating to the details of the story Matilda by Roald Dahl. It was also noted that Sarah Boyer of the University Extension office 4-H continues to host STEM activities on the first and fourth Thursdays of each month. Administrator Coulsell reported that she had booked a folk music concert - Andy and Judy - for October18, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. Coulsell plans to host three Children’s Craft sessions in October, November and December. Coulsell reported that the Library had been closed July 20 & 21 due to a waterline break. Administrator Coulsell reported that the West Central Community Action Agency was hosting a twelve week Step into Leadership class each Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
The balance as of August 31, 2022 was $68,797.27. Ernest Jenkins moved to accept the Financial Reports for July as presented. Eleanora Smith seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Coulsell presented the Circulation Report for July. The Library had 33 new cards with a Total Circulation of 4031 in July, with year highs in Library Card registrations, Adult Fiction and Children’s Fiction.
Under President’s Report: There was none.
Under Library Association: It was noted that the Library’s guttering system had been replaced. The Library awaits the community room carpet installation. It was noted that the Annual Corporation filing had been submitted to the Secretary of State.
Under Friends: Library Administrator Stacy Coulsell reported that the Friends of the Library will host a Fall book sale the week of October 10, 2022.
Under Old Business: Coulsell reported that five new computers had been purchased with the use of Equalization funds and were in place.
Also Under Old Business: It was noted that the Library had set the tax rate for 2023 in a meeting held earlier that day.
Under New Business: Eleanora Smith moved to declare 4 HP Pavilion All-in-One Computers as salvaged material. Ernest Jenkins seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Also Under New Business: It was noted that Library Administrator Stacy Coulsell had met with Shannon Stewart of the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission to discuss possible grant opportunities.
Also Under New Business: Library Board President Shelly Aubuchon appointed Eleanora Smith and Brenda Charles as a Nominating Committee and they will meet to discuss the slate of officers for 2023.
Eleanora Smith moved to adjourn, Ernest Jenkins seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Having no further business and hearing no public comment the next meeting will be September 19, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shelly Aubuchon, President