December 2018 Regular Board Meeting


Monday, December 17, 2018

The regular meeting of the Hickory County Library Board was held December 17, 2018 at 10:00am in the Hickory County Library Community Room, at the Hickory County Library, 18376 New Hermitage Drive, Hermitage, Missouri, 65668.

President Hal Geltmacher called the meeting to order
at 10:10am.

Members present were:

President, Hal Geltmacher

Treasurer, Gerda Fitts

Secretary, Judy Baker

Trustee, Shelly Aubuchon

Trustee, Traci Brown

Stacy Coulsell, Library Administrator

Attendance was taken via the expense voucher.

After reviewing the agenda Shelly Aubuchon moved to approve the agenda amended. Gerda Fitts seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

After reviewing the minutes Shelly Aubuchon moved to accept the minutes as read.  Judy Baker seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Library Administrator Stacy Coulsell presented her report. It was noted that the Preschool and Head Start Story Hours
continued.  Administrator Coulsell reported that the Library had 46 children visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus,
during that visit they received a book bag with story book, coloring book, and 2 pencils.  The children also completed a Christmas ornament craft with Library Volunteer Chef Jamie Hennessy.

Coulsell reported that she was beginning to look into programming for the summer and fall of 2019.  Coulsell also noted that Bill Arnold will resume computer classes after the New Year.
Coulsell reported that the Parasol Puppet program with Peter Allen had a large turnout.  Coulsell noted that the
Library would be closed December 24th and 25th in honor of the Christmas holiday. Noting as well that the Library would close on December 31st at noon and be closed the entire New Year’s Day.

Administrator Coulsell presented the Financial Reports for November.  The balance as of December 17, 2018 was
$62,860.15 this reflects the balance of both the Library accounts, this includes the December tax payment from the Hickory County Treasurer’s office.

After hearing the Financial Reports for November, Traci Brown moved to accept the Financial Reports as presented. Gerda Fitts seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Administrator Coulsell presented the Circulation Report for November the Library had 14 new cards during the month with a Total Circulation of 3256.  Noting highest check-out on record for the e-book circulation.  Also noting the Library was closed all day November 11th November 21st at noon, and all day November 22nd.

Under President’s Report-Library Board President Hal Geltmacher submitted an article on internet usage and school age children, discussing statistics and ways to improve the reach of the Hickory County’s services to those children in rural areas who may not have transportation access to the Library and/or be aware of the free wireless internet access provided by the Library District.  Discussion followed.  It was suggested to expand this topic into a news article and begin a stronger advertising campaign on these services.

Under Library Association-the Association had met earlier that morning and had set the Library’s lease payment for 2019

Under Friends of the Library-there was none.

Under Old Business- the MODOT highway project was
discussed and was tabled until more information is available.  Also Under Old Business, Administrator Coulsell reported that the Library had received Equalization funds slated for 2019.

Under New Business, Nominating Committee Gerda Fitts and Judy Baker presented the following items:
Shelly Aubuchon to be elected as Vice-President to replace the absent position of Sharon Barrett.  The nominating committee also suggested that the remaining officers stay in their elected positions for 2019.  Traci Brown moved to elect Shelly Aubuchon as Vice-President of the Board.  Judy Baker seconded, all in favor and the motion carried unanimously.

Shelly Aubuchon moved to retain the remaining officers in their positions, Hal Geltmacher, President, Gerda Fitts, Treasurer, Judy Baker, Secretary, and Traci Brown, Trustee.  Gerda Fitts seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Also Under New Business, Library Adminstrator Stacy
Coulsell presented the 2019 Proposed Library Budget.  Included in the budget was a twelve percent pay increase to all staff and Library Administrator Stacy Coulsell to be in compliance with 2019 coming minimum wage increase.  Shelly Aubuchon moved to grant the twelve percent wage increase to the staff and Library Administrator.  Traci Brown seconded, and the motion carried.

Gerda Fitts moved to accept the 2019 Proposed Library Budget as presented, Judy Baker seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

The next meeting is to be January 21, 2019 at 10:00am.

Having no further business and hearing no public comment, the meeting adjourned at 11:20am.

Respectfully submitted,


Judy Baker,