May 2019 Regular Monthly Meeting


Monday, May 20, 2019

The regular meeting of the Hickory County Library Board was held May 20, 2019 at 10:00am in the Hickory County Library Community Room, at the Hickory County Library, 18376 New Hermitage Drive, Hermitage, Missouri, 65668.

President Hal Geltmacher called the meeting to order at 10:06am.

Members present were:

President - Hal Geltmacher
Vice-President - Shelly Aubuchon
Treasurer - Gerda Fitts
Trustee - Traci Brown
Stacy Coulsell - Library Administrator

Attendance was taken via the expense voucher. Library Board Secretary Judy Baker was absent.

After reviewing the agenda Gerda Fitts moved to accept the Agenda as presented, Shelly Aubuchon seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

After reviewing the minutes from the April meeting, Traci Brown moved to accept the minutes as read.  Gerda Fitts seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Library Administrator Stacy Coulsell presented her report. It was noted that the Preschool and Head Start Story Hours continued.  Coulsell noted that she will be attending the West Central Meeting held in Clinton, Missouri as a requested guest of the West Central Head Start Program. Coulsell reported that the Children’s Crafts with Chef Jamie had been held on May 18, and had featured Easter egg Fireflies.  Coulsell presented the Board with a listing of the Library’s programs through December, noting that Santa will visit. The Library will also be partnering with the Hickory County Health Department to provide free meals for area children on Friday nights in addition to an activity. This will be a recurring Friday event beginning June 7 and running through August 9, 2019.

This program listing has been made available on the Library’s website and social media, and provided to all of the area schools.  It was noted that the horticulture education classes continued. The Library will host Angela Kenney, herbalist, to provide a class on natural medicine and essential oils on Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 7:00pm.

Administrator Coulsell presented the Financial Reports for April. The balance as of May 20,  2019 was $108, 078.40 and reflects the balance of both the Library accounts. This includes the second portion of Equalization funds received by the Missouri State Library. Traci Brown moved to accept the Financial Reports as presented. Shelly Aubuchon seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Coulsell presented the Circulation Report for April. The Library had 16 new cards during the month, with a Total Circulation of 3576.

Under President’s Report, Library Board President Hal Geltmacher discussed potential ways to market the library and promote the services throughout the community.

Under Association report-it was noted that the annual USDA payment had been made and the liability insurance had been paid as well.

Under Friends of the Library, Guitarist Jerry Barlow was scheduled for an encore performance on November 2, 2019 at 1:00pm.  His performance will follow a Friends of the Library Chicken dinner to be held at the McCarty Senior Center from 11:00am until 1:00pm.

Under Old Business, the board discussed the use of Equalization funds for 2019. Coulsell reported that the Library would be upgrading the Library’s automation software to Insignia software and was currently undergoing a systems test. Coulsell also noted that four computers would be purchased to replace four of the public access computers in the Library’s front lobby.

Also Under Old Business, the Library Board viewed an American Library Association training video on Library Board member ethics. These training videos were presented by the ALA and the Missouri State Library.

Under New Business, Administrator Stacy Coulsell reported that the Annual State Aid Application and Listing of Board of Trustees was due to the Missouri State Library by July 31, 2019.  Also Under New Business, it was noted that Treasurer Gerda Fitts' Board appointment would expire on July 31, 2019.

Having no further business and hearing no public comment the meeting adjourned at 10:55am.

Respectfully submitted,


Shelly Aubuchon, Vice-President