Monday, September 16, 2024

The Regular Meeting of the Hickory County Library Board was held on September 16, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the Hickory County Library Community Room, at the Hickory County Library, 18376 New Hermitage Drive, Hermitage, Missouri, 65668.

Vice President, Earnest Jenkins called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Attendance was taken via the expense voucher with those present being:

Vice-President, Ernest Jenkins

Treasurer, Brenda Charles

Secretary. Eleanora Smith

Library Administrator, Stacy Coulsell

The agenda was changed with only the changing of the time from 11:00 AM to 10:00 AM. Brenda Charles moved to accept the changed Agenda as presented. Eleanora Smith seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Ernest Jenkins moved to accept the August minutes as read, Brenda Charles seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Library Administrator Stacy Coulsell presented her monthly Administrator’s Report. Coulsell noted that the summer school reading program has been completed and that the preschool reading program has restarted for both Wheatland and Hermitage Schools. The statistics report will be due in November. Coulsell reminded the board that the professional story teller, Dianne Moran will be presenting a Civil War program scheduled for September 26th at 6 pm. The band program will be scheduled for November. The library is weeding out the collection to assist the Friends of the Library with their upcoming book sale. Library Administrator Coulsell reported that a Little Sharing Library is still being planned to be placed at ALPS grocery store in Pittsburg.


The balance as of September, 2024 was $77,686.55. Ernest Jenkins moved to accept the Financial Reports as presented, Eleanora Smith seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.



Coulsell presented the Circulation Report for August the Library had 22 new cards with a Total Circulation of 3376. Noting year highs in Adult Fiction, Children’s Fiction and Interlibrary Loan checkouts.


Under Friends of the Library – The Friends of the Library book sale is scheduled for the week of October 14th, excluding Monday, because the Library will be closed October 14th to observe Columbus Day

Under Old Business— The parking lot has been sealed. The tax rate has been accepted and the Library has received a letter from the auditor for being in compliance.

Having no further business and hearing no public comment, Eleanora Smith moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 am, and Brenda Charles seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

The next meeting is to be October 21, 2024 at 10:00am.

Respectfully submitted,



Eleanora Smith, Secretary